Organically certified produce is that which is grown without chemicals or additives. It’s highly regarded as environmentally sustainable, fresh and good for health. With the rise of diseases and health conditions related to food, people are now getting more and more mindful about what they eat. We are what we eat. A healthy life is built not only on lifestyle but also the food and it has to be nailed down to the nitty gritty of the lowest ingredients in the composition.
Why you should consume organic food

Why you should consume organic food
Depending on body type, health conditions, family history and allergic reactions; certain people cannot consume certain foods or certain ingredients because of their body type or medical condition. Consuming such can be extremely catastrophic and life-threatening even in the tiniest amounts.
Moreover, most people aren’t aware that not everyone is not just supposed to eat everything. A visit to a nutritionist or a dietician can be very enlightening. One will learn that certain foods will help them thrive and live longer depending on their body composition. It’s also beneficial to eat a lot of fruit, drink water and get good sleep. Health is wealth. One should not consider spending good money on their health and good food as a loss. That’s a great investment. It will not be beneficial to have all the money in the world and not be healthy enough to enjoy it.
That being said, commercial agriculture utilizes chemicals; pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers as part of the production process to produce large yields. These chemicals not only affect the soil profile and the environment in the long run but also residues show up in human food. These chemicals, allergens and toxicants have negative effects on health, especially on very young, very old and immune-compromised people. In the long run, people may develop disorders, poisoning effects, cancer, liver failure, gut, and heart problems.
Notwithstanding the fact that genetically modified food (GMOs) is also big on the market. GMOs are food that’s produced from crops or plants that have been altered or combined with others in the laboratory. This is done to produce; pest and disease-resistant varieties, high-yielding crops, crops with new flavours or just entirely new admirable plant species. GMOs also affect human health and the environment.
Unfortunately, we all mostly consume food where some of these chemicals have been applied at some stage of the production process. To curb these effects one needs to;
- Wash the food thoroughly with enough water before preparation even when it looks clean. This helps to wash away the chemicals in the food.
- Peel the food to remove the outer layer. In most cases, chemicals get absorbed in the epidermal layers/ skin of food. Peeling reduces risk.
- Buy farm-fresh organic food from the farmers’ market
- Have a backyard garden and organically grow your fruits and vegetables.
- Buy organically certified food in grocery stores
- Learn how to prepare food well. Too much oil or certain ingredients can aggravate health conditions. Also, be mindful not to prepare food that contains allergens for oneself like peanuts etc.
- Cook food thoroughly and evenly preferably in small pieces.
What does being organically certified mean?
Organically certified means an agribusiness, a farm or farmer produces food without using chemicals or additives. The food produced is in its natural original state. To do this, one must be engaging in organic farming throughout the crop production or agribusiness process.
Organically certified produce has a sticker on it or on the pack labelling it so. This is called an organic label.
How to get organically certified
Organic certification is mostly in western countries of America and Europe. Bodies that give out organic certification include; USDA agents and, IFOAM certifying agents.
To get organically certified, the following steps are taken
- A farm or agribusiness practising organic farming submits an application to a certifying agent in their area or international country of export
- The application is reviewed by the agent or certifying body to check full compliance with organic farming regulations, laws and practices.
- The certifying authority or agent then sends field inspectors to visit the farm or agribusiness to check compliance and tick off the boxes.
- The application is then reviewed
- Certification is issued if deemed compliant.
- The farm or agribusiness can then use the organic label. However, reviews are carried out by the certifying bodies periodically to check compliance. This can be done annually or after every 6 months depending on the regulations.
Advantages of getting organically certified
1. Produce seen as high quality
Organic produce is seen as traditional and high quality which makes it appealing to most of the general public. Organically certified farmers can easily get supply contracts with most restaurants, supermarkets and grocery stores.
2. Sold at high prices
Due to its careful production, organic produce usually sells at a higher price as compared to other foods. With an organic label, a farmer can cash in well and be assured of a good return on investment in their organic farming endeavours.
3. Easily pass customs to sell in different countries
Countries nowadays require imported food to pass stringent quality standards, especially in Europe. Organic produce that’s grown well can easily ace the standards tests especially if it has that certified label. This means a broader market to sell and more income for the farmer.
4. Promote sustainability and good health
Organically certified produce is considered environmentally friendly as it doesn’t use chemicals that harm the planet and ecosystems. The absence of chemical usage even during handling and storage means that organic food isn’t harmful to our health. Promoting sustainable development and saving our planet is now very paramount. Organic produce, therefore, gets high priority on the market.
5. More nutritious
Organic food is usually sold and consumed in its natural unprocessed unaltered state. The consumer, therefore, gets all the nutrients from the food. Farm 100% organic is great for health. Great for health is great for consumers which in turn is great for the farmer. Happy consumers = happy business.
Organic farming has great benefits both to our environment and our health. Farmers should strive to get organically certified because it’s advantageous to the market. Organic food is great for health. It’s important to eat well to live well and be happy.